Major/Career Goal

Currently, I am majoring in Exercise Science. I chose to major in Exercise Science because of my love for fitness and because the major offers so much educational versatility. In high school, I really enjoyed Human Anatomy class, which I believe first sparked my interest in majoring in Exercise Science. I knew that I wanted to pursue a career that deals with the human body but not something medical, so Exercise Science seemed like the perfect major for me. I can say that so far it has been perfect for me. Along with fulfilling my hopes of studying the human body, Exercise Science also leaves the door wide open for me. There are so many careers under the umbrella of Exercise Science that I do not feel tied down to one specific career. If my current career goal does not work out, I know that there are tons of other careers waiting to be explored.
Along with my major in Exercise Science, I am choosing to minor in Psychology. Occupational Therapy deals a lot with understanding why people are the way they are. It is hard for therapists to help their clients if they do not understand the attitudes and habits of the clients. For instance, some patients may get discouraged or frustrated easily. It is important for the therapist to be patient and know how to handle the situation, instead of reject or judge the client because of how they feel. This is just part of the reason why I am choosing to minor in Psychology. Another reason why I am choosing to minor in Psychology is because I took an intro class for it in high school and really enjoyed it. Learning about why people are the way they are intrigued me. I find it fascinating to be able to understand the actions of the people around me because it allows me to relate to them, instead of judge them. I know that minoring in Psychology will be beneficial to my success in the pre-Occupational Therapy track.

Career Goal
My current career goal is to become an Occupational Therapist. Honestly, I do not really remember how I discovered Occupational Therapy, but I do know that once I did, it really intrigued me. I have always been someone that looks out for others before myself. I love helping others, and the satisfaction that I feel after I have helped someone is unmatched. Also, Occupational Therapy offers opportunity to work with all kinds of people: children, young adults, elderlies, people with disability. I love that I can potentially have variety in the patients that I am helping. I feel that Occupational Therapy is the right career for me because I love helping others, and I know how to put myself in other people's shoes. Although, I feel that Occupational Therapy is the perfect fit for me, right now, I am still open to explore other career options, in order to find what career is truly meant for me.